An important aspect of the studio system was the star system. This is the idea that big names in Hollywood controlled what people watched. The type of movie did not matter as long as the person’s favorite big name star was going to be in it. As the studio system was created in the 1920’s so was the star system. It helped production companies such as Fox or Disney decide exactly what kind of film people wanted to see and who they wanted to see starring in it.
The star system had a huge impact on the kind of films that were produced in 1920’s Hollywood. Studios discovered that the type of movie did not matter as long as a big name star was making an appearance. People were not choosing their movies based on the plot line, rather who was going to be in it. The popularity of stars and not movie genres led to companies adding the actors and actresses names on to the billboards in order to attract more viewers. Even without spoken dialogue, movies were still visually powerful enough to influence audiences. In the end, it was not about the content of the movies, it was about who was in them and how big their name was in Hollywood.
Examples of the star system were plentiful in the early 1900’s. Big names such as Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin appeared on billboards everywhere. Big name stars still attract moviegoers today. Stars such as Will Smith and Jennifer Aniston attract audiences just because they are big names and people enjoy the characters they play. The movies they are starring in are not as important as the people themselves and the characters they are playing. People will always want to see a Will Smith or Jennifer Aniston movie because they are reliable actors who always put on a good show.
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